Toni Lopopolo Explains The Correct Way To Polish A Book To Publish From Her Book Writing Bootcamps
Toni Lopopolo, literary agent, brings a book publishing resume that began in 1970 where she began in the publicity dept of Bantam Books.
She worked at Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Houghton Mlfflin, Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press.
In l991, Toni opened Literary Management and has sold books for authors to the major publishing houses.
Toni is known for her Fiction Bootcamp workshops where she helps first-time novelists to master the skills needed to successfully write book-length fiction, and she aids nonfiction writers to produce compelling narrative nonfiction, using fiction techniques.
Enjoyed your interview today. I’ve participated in two bootcamps and did learn some significant writing skills. More important you have instructors who know the craft of writing and thankfully pull no punches when making suggestions, professionally. You’re not their to be coddled but to learn and learn quickly, which I appreciate when I pay for something.