Dr. Gary Small is a doctor who invented the first brain scan to show physical evidence of brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease in living people. We discuss his latest book The Alzheimer’s Prevention Program.

Paul Barrett is the Assistant Managing Editor of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. We talk about the rise of the Glock handgun from his book titled Glock.

Pauline Frommer is a top travel expert and descendent of travel writing royalty. We discuss the upcoming Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show.

Stephen Davis is a rock journalist who’s followed and written about super groups of the 60s and 70s. He’s written a biography of one of rock’s most private stars. We discuss Carly Simon from his biography More Room in a Broken Heart.

Dr. Paul Hammerness and Coach Meg Moore are a Harvard medical doctor and an executive wellness coach, respectively. Together, they get to the root cause of the clutter in our lives from their book Organize Your Mind, Organize Your Life.

Victoria Bowmann is a Ph.D. in Homeopathy and Natural Medicine whose goal is to help us resolve to be healthier in 2012. We discuss her 6 points for New Year’s Health Resolution success.