Dr. Michael Duckett Gives His Techniques For Breaking The Money Barriers

Dr. Michael Duckett, author of BREAKING THE MONEY BARRIERS

Dr. Michael J. Duckett began life in an extremely impoverished and dangerous environment. As a young child he was orphaned and left on the streets of Detroit with seven sisters.

Through perseverance and hard work became extremely successful by age 23.

Dr. Duckett founded Upgrading Life, Inc. in 1996 to give back to others by creating and teaching a unique and effective technology of life called Upgrading Your Life To the Next Level.

Dr. Duckett identifies specific mental codes in every person that keeps people stuck at a specific functioning level of life.

Michael has spoken before thousands who have attended his seminars, who claim his books and seminars have changed their lives.

Michael holds advanced degrees in many disciplines including Business, Theology, Chiropractic and Law.

His latest book Breaking The Money Barriers, in one of several books Michael has written including Overcoming Fear, Six Keys To Balancing Life, How to Be Up During the Down Times, Creating The Time Of Your Life, and Simple Stock Market.