Ken Druck Gives Listeners Rules For Surviving The Political Rhetoric In An Election Year From His Book The Real Rules of Life

Ken Druck, author of THE REAL RULES OF LIFE

Ken Druck, Ph.D., is one of the nation’s pioneers in personal transformation, breaking fresh ground in male psychology, executive coaching, organizational consulting, parent effectiveness, healing after loss, and, most recently, the art of turning adversity into opportunity.

His company, Druck Enterprises, Inc. (DEI), is a leading coaching, consulting, and team building.

Ken formed The Jenna Druck Center in 1996—following the tragic loss of his eldest daughter. “Dr. Ken” is often called upon to assist in healing after tragic events such as 9/11, the shootings at Columbine High School, and Hurricane Katrina.

Ken is the author of several books. His latest book is titled The Real Rules of Life: Balancing Life’s Terms with Your Own.