Gene Griessman Sees Parallels Between Presidents Lincoln And Obama In His Book Lincoln And Obama
Gene Griessman, author of LINCOLN AND OBAMA
Gene Griessman is celebrated around the world for his books, training films, and memorable presentations.
As actor and playwright, he has performed at Ford’s Theatre, the Georgia Dome before 25,000, the Lincoln Memorial, and aboard the famed carrier the USS Abraham Lincoln.
He has conducted exclusive interviews on TV and in print with American presidents, actors, sports stars, and business leaders.
Dr. Griessman has written 3 books: The Achievement Factors, Tactics Of Very Successful People, in its 31st printing and The Words Lincoln Lived By in its 18th printing.
Gene has taught at major universities in the US and abroad—at William and Mary, North Carolina State University, Auburn University, Tuskegee University, and Georgia Tech.
He served as a Fulbright professor at the University of Islamabad, the national graduate university of Pakistan, and as a visiting researcher at the National Agrarian University of Peru and the University of New South Wales in Australia.
There are some 18000 books on Lincoln, but LINCOLN AND OBAMA is the only one that examines Lincoln and another president in tandem.
You’ll learn when President Obama lectured the Supreme Court or fired a general or couldn’t persuade Congress to act, that it wasn’t the first time. Lincoln did the same thing, had similar experiences.
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