Kate Adamson Shares Her Remarkable Story Back From Paralysis Detailed In Her Book Paralyzed, But Not Powerless
Kate Adamson survived one-in-a-million odds overcoming total paralysis from a devastating double brainstem stroke. That stroke left her in a condition called “Locked in.” She was totally and completely paralyzed. She could not move a finger or a toe. She couldn’t swallow, talk, or move anything but her eyes. She could only communicate by blinking out signals.
Kate could only think and blink. That is all she could do – but she could do that. With this, she began to create miracles. Not only did she survive, she used her spirit to overcome her illness and she learned how to accomplish more in the past few years than many accomplish in a lifetime.
Kate is a member of the USC Divison of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy Board of Counselors, and a board member of the Stroke Association of California. She has served as a national speaker for the American Heart Association, the American Stroke Association and the United Way and somehow found the time to write the award winning book; Paralyzed but not Powerless.
Once unable to speak she now speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves.