Lee Gerdes Overcomes PTSD And Becomes A “Brainologist” Which He Writes About In His Book Limitless You
Lee Gerdes, author of LIMITLESS YOU
Lee Gerdes is the author of Limitless You: The Infinite Possibil-ities of a Balanced Brain.
He is founder and CEO of Brain State Technologies™, a global network of more than 150 offices across the world that offer Brainwave Optimization, a life-changing, brain balancing modality.
His background includes systems analyst, pastoral counselor, management consultant, and past vice president of solutions for Net Perceptions. Some call him “a brainologist.”
After being beaten in early 1990 by four youth with a baseball bat, Lee’s journey to overcome the symptoms of PTSD led him to discover ways to monitor and change his brain. His eclectic mix of education and his strong personal need to experience more happiness and less stress while being highly functional led him to understand how the brain could be optimized for health and happiness. Today, nearly 34,000 have benefited from this advanced neurotechnology.
Brain StateTechnologies™ is located in Scottsdale, Arizona.