Mark Lindsay Tells How He Got His Kicks With Paul Revere & The Raiders
Mark Lindsay, co-founder and former lead singer of Paul Revere & The Raiders
Mark Lindsay was born on March 9, 1942, in Eugene, Oregon.
Around the time “Louie, Louie” was recorded, the band decided to use Paul Revere’s name as a gimmick and bill themselves as Paul Revere & the Raiders. They began to dress in Revolutionary War-style outfits. Mark Lindsay carried the theme a bit further by growing his hair out and pulling it back into a ponytail, which has become his signature look.
Lindsay and the group caught the attention of Dick Clark, who was developing Where the Action Is, an afternoon show for the teen market. Clark hired the group as regular performers, and the group soon became very successful.
The Raiders were the first rock group signed by Columbia Records and were produced by Terry Melcher, the son of actress and singer Doris Day.
By 1968, Lindsay began to record solo records and to produce records for his fellow bandmate, Freddy Weller, who went on to have his own solo success in the country music genre.
Mark Lindsay had some success with such songs:
“Arizona” (Billboard #10–Gold single) and
“Silverbird” (Billboard #25) in 1970
“Indian Reservation”, a song written by John Loudermilk years earlier, to be a solo recording, but the decision was made to release the song under the name “The Raiders” and it went on to be the only number one song in the group’s history.
Mark Lindsay officially left the group in 1975 when he and Paul Revere apparently had different visions for the group and their own individual pursuits.