Mike Hais Discusses Millennials’ Impact On Society From His Book Millennial Majority
Dr. Michael Hais, co-author of MILLENNIAL MAJORITY
Michael D. Hais is a consultant, author, speaker and on-air pundit delivering candid, informed insights on engaging Millennials. His predictions and analyses have appeared in (or on) The New York Times, The Today Show, CNN, USA Today, PBS NewsHour, NPR, Barron’s, Forbes, Reuters and Univision.
Co-author with Morley Winograd of three books about the Millennial generation. The latest is Millennial Majority (2013).
Mike is a Fellow at NDN and The New Policy Institute. Prior to that, he conducted audience research for hundreds of television stations, cable channels, and program producers in nearly all 50 states and more than a dozen foreign countries at Frank N. Magid Associates.
Based in Los Angeles, he is a regular contributor to several national publications, including: The Christian Science Monitor, The National Journal, New Geography and PolicyMic.