News Of The City Of Ventura’s Financial Shortfall Rocks The Lyn Fairly & Fabulous Friends Show
Lyn Fairly, host of the LYN FAIRLY AND FABULOUS FRIENDS radio show
Local government is the last vestige of trust in democracy in the United States. Local politicians are our neighbors and, perhaps, our friends. So, it’s disheartening when local politicians deceive citizens for their own purposes.
President Obama’s approval rating has skidded 8 points since the election to 47%—the same as President Bush’s approval rating at the start of his 2nd term.
Congress’s approval rating is in the toilet hovering at an anemic 15%.
Supreme Court’s approval rating dipped to 46% following the Obamacare ruling.
Governor Jerry Brown’s approval rating only recently went positive at 57% in February.
None of these figures is overwhelmingly positive.
In an interview on the Lyn Fairly and Fabulous Friends Show, I focus on business and government in Ventura, CA. I zero in on local politics and budgeting for the city of Ventura. Lyn and I discuss where the missing $7.7 million dollars went from Ventura’s General Fund and Internal Services Fund and what the city is going to do to replenish these funds.
Original sources for this interview include a Ventura County Star article about the City Council meeting when this issue surfaced, an article in the Venturans for Responsible and Efficient Government (VREG) op/ed piece and an op/ed piece by David Grau of the Ventura County Tax Payers’ Association.