Eric Chester provides a comprehensive look at the problem of a workforce with an entitlement mentality and proposes solutions to Reviving Work Ethic.

Erik Qualman discusses what it takes to succeed in the 21st Century from his latest book Digital Leader.

Margaret McLean sheds light on the proposed SOPA and PIPA laws that died in Congress on “Water cooler Monday” on The Business of Life radio show.

Barbara Weltman has built a career helping small business owners overcome financial and tax issues. She shares what’s new in the tax code for 2012.

Guests include local businessman Andy Killion, professor John Taylor of Stanford, brainologist Lee Gerdes, technology expert Phil Simon, Woody Brock author of American Gridlock and Mari Smith, the Pied Piper of the online world.

Guests on THE BUSINESS OF LIFE include: Erik Qualman, Shelly Palmer, Eric Chester, Barbara Weltman, Lindsay Frucci and Margaret McLean.