SUCCESS Magazine Publisher Turned Author, Darren Hardy, Discusses The Compound Effect
Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine and author of The Compound Effect
“Success isn’t as simple as the popular media would have you believe.” So says Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine and author of the new book, The Compound Effect. Despite what we all wish for, there is no 4-Hour Workweek.
Hardy explained his success principles contained in The Compound Effect. It’s not a matter of doing 5,000 things well, it’s about doing six thing well 5,000 times in a row.
The Compound Effect is reaping the rewards from correctly making small choices again and again, and making slight adjustments, as needed.
The most heartwarming moment came when Hardy told the Thanksgiving Book story, where he created a journal and tracked daily the positive things his wife did and then presented it to her as a gift.