
Arthur Magida is an award-winning journalist and scholar who brings to life the story of Erik Jan Hanussen, a popular Jewish stage magician and mentalist from Austria who became so popular in Berlin that he rubbed elbows with high ranking Nazis and even advised Hitler. We’ll discuss his book The Nazi Séance.

William Dietrich is a best-selling novelist. Typically, I don’t interview novelists, but the premise for his latest book, Blood of the Reich, fascinated me. We discuss the secret—and controversial—Nazi mission to Tibet in 1938 and its impact on Hitler and the world.

Laura Hillenbrand is the best selling author of Seabiscuit: An American Legend—the story of racehorse Seabiscuit, his owner and the times. She’s written a new book titled Unbroken, A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption that arose out of the research she did for Seabiscuit. We talk about her latest book.

Richard Overy is a noted historian and World War II expert. He recounts for us one of the most intense weeks in human history—the week leading up to World War II. In 1939, the last week of August was as tension filled for Europe as the 10 days of Octobe rwas for the United States in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Richard presents a more sympathetic view of Neville Chamberlain than many historians.