
Guests include Bill Watkins forecasting Ventura County’s economy for the balance of 2012; Bill Hicks discussing the Casitas Municipal Water District; Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson; best-selling author Ed Klein talking about Barack Obama; Kevin Williamson connecting the dots between the Democratic Party and the Age of Entitlements; and Hans Eysink Smeets describing what bankers can learn from the porn industry.

David Limbaugh gives the definitive indictment against the Obama Presidency as he explains how President Obama is waging war on the Republic. We discuss his latest book, The Great Destroyer.

Guests include Ventura Chamber of Commerce CEO Ed Summers; local celebrity Cindy Cash; cybersecurity expert Bruce Anderson; Barack Obama detractor David Limbaugh; environmental skeptic Ozzie Zehner; and financial reporter Michael Casey.

Peter Cohan is a venture capitalist, management consultant and teacher at Babson College. He’s compiled a list of the Top 5 Worst Presidents for the US Economy during their presidency. We discuss his list. You may be surprised at his findings—I know I was.

Guests include Peter Cohan ranking the worst Presidents for the US economy in recent US history, Mark Murphy talking about attracting top talent and Erica Sandberg warning about Christmas fraud.

Alan Caruba gives a stimulating examination to the subject of boredom. He’s the CEO of a fictitious organization getting to the root of all things boring. We discuss whether or not Americans are bored with the looming Debt Ceiling Crisis.