
Patricia Schultz makes it her goal in life to keep us busy before we die. She’s the creator of the 1,000 Places To See Before You Die series of books. It’s a big world and she’s determined not to let us miss any part of it. We discuss her revised edition of 1,000 Places To See Before You Die and the upcoming Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show.

Dr. Gary Small is a doctor who invented the first brain scan to show physical evidence of brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease in living people. We discuss his latest book The Alzheimer’s Prevention Program.

Guests include Dr. Gary Small teaching brain science, Rob Basso talking about entrepreneurship and Patricia Schultz talking about the Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show.

Paul Barrett is the Assistant Managing Editor of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. We talk about the rise of the Glock handgun from his book titled Glock.

Chip Conley is the hotelier to the stars who developed the role of Chief Emotions Officer at his company. We discuss the simple truths for creating happiness and success from his latest book Emotional Equations.

Pauline Frommer is a top travel expert and descendent of travel writing royalty. We discuss the upcoming Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show.