
Marshall Berol is an investment advisor with over 20 years experience. He is a value-oriented, Contrarian investor. His mutual fund, Encompass, is the #2 ranked mutual fund by Morningstar overall among all the mutual funds Morningstar tracks. We talk about the volatility in today’s market and the risk government actions pose to the financial markets.

Barry Livingston is childhood star who played Ernie Douglas on My Three Sons. We discuss the life lessons he’s learned and what he calls The Importance of Being Ernie from his latest book of the same name.

Guests will be Barry Livingston who played Ernie Douglas on My Three Sons, Bill Taylor will tell us how to transform our businesses and our lives and Marshall Berol discussing investments and Wall Street.

Dennis Andrew Ball is a presidential hopeful in 2012 representing the American Party of America—a party for people who want Constitutional Government for a Constitutional Republic. We discuss his platform and why he’s running in the 2012 election.

Domenic Sgambellone is an American taxpayer, businessman and father who immigrated to the United States from Italy. He founded the American People’s Party. He gives us his political manifesto of what’s right and wrong with America from his book The America of my Dreams.

Edward Moser is former speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush. He’s turned his attention to writing about everything a good American should know in his book A Patriot’s A to Z of America.