
Leon Weckstein helps us celebrate Veterans’ Day. He’s a war hero from World War II—who single-handedly saved the leaning Tower of Pisa and won a Bronze Star and a Legion of Merit for his service to the US. We discuss the Italian campaign in World War II from his book 200,000 Heroes.

Paul Vasquez gives us the low-down on holiday gift giving inexpensively. We discuss using the many bargains available on his website

Guests include Paul Vasquez, Director of Media Relations for, World War II veteran and decorated soldier, Leon Weckstein; Dr. Michael Broder discussing Stage Climbing to reach our highest potential.

Barry Barnes is a “Dead Head” business professor who found business wisdom in the teachings of the Grateful Dead. We discuss the 10 most innovative lessons from a long, strange trip from his book Everything I Know About Business I Learned from the Grateful Dead.

Jeffrey Sachs has been named among the 100 most influential leaders in the world by Time Magazine—not once, but twice. We discuss how to reawaken American Virtue and Prosperity from his latest book The Price of Civilization.

Guests will be Dr. Howard Peters giving his alternative view on Noah’s Ark, Jeffrey Sachs with his controversial views on The Price of Civilization and Barry Barnes giving business wisdom from The Grateful Dead.