
David Cenzano is the second of four candidates running for the Port Hueneme School Board to be interviewed on Brainstromin’ with Billy the Brain. Win or lose, all candidates exemplify the virtues of selfless service for the greater good—in this case the good of our children.

Darlene Bruno is the first of four candidates running for the Port Hueneme School Board to be interviewed on Brainstromin’ with Billy the Brain. Win or lose, all candidates exemplify the virtues of selfless service for the greater good—in this case the good of our children.

Andrea and David Reiser extoll the 15 virtues that made America the greatest nation in history.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTOMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, October 19, 2010. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Cindy Kubica helps people understand the link between stress, the mind and body, and how it influences energy, behavior, productivity, and our health. She calls this the Mind*Body*Behavior Connection.

Kevin Baker tells us something about us as Americans. He’s the author of America: The Story of Us—a companion book to the History Channel series of the same name. He tells us what makes us uniquely American.