
Guests include Maria Cardona discussing the Latina vote in 2012, Keith Gockenbach equating golf to life and Lee Gerdes explaining a balanced brain.

Kevin DeMerritt is the president of Wilshire Finance Partners. He explains the newest trend in California real estate investing—trust deeds.

John Izzo is a business philosopher who explains how taking responsibility changes everything from his book Stepping Up.

Damion “Damizza” Young is a Hip-Hop Godfather who started in Santa Barbara. We discuss his bizarre life and times from his book Guilty By Association.

Guests will include hip-hop Godfather Damizza, business philosopher John Izzo and real estate investor Kevin DeMerritt.

Lloyd Dumas is a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. We examine his thesis of using economic relationships to build a more peaceful, prosperous and secure world from his latest book The Peacekeeping Economy.