
Guests include UCSB professor Doc Searls explaining the new era of consumerism; comedian Michael Ian Black extolling the freedoms we have in America; Rebecca Coffey helping us make sense of the Aurora, CO shooter John Holmes; gun control law expert John Lott, Jr. explaining his controversial theory of how more guns mean less crime; and Joyce Gioia commenting on a titanic shift in today’s workplace where older workers outnumber younger ones.

Ken Armstrong is an investigative journalist for The Seattle Times who, with his writing partner, exposed how a community’s blind embrace of a college football team compromised judges, prosecutors, police agencies, an entire university and the media. We discuss his book Scoreboard, Baby.

David Warwick makes the case against cash. He believes society would be better off without it. We discuss a cashless society with him from his book, Ending Cash: The Public Benefits of Federal Electronic Currency.