Paul Barrett is the Assistant Managing Editor of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. We talk about the rise of the Glock handgun from his book titled Glock.

Michael Reagan is a political commentator and son of former California Governor and former President Ronald Reagan. We discuss the Iowa Caucuses and the upcoming GOP debates.

Tracy Davis is a political pundit, author and former writer for President George H.W. Bush. We review the top political stories of 2011 and look ahead towards the 2012 Presidential election.

David Wilkens is a political science professor who specializes in Constitutional issues. We challenge some of the perceptions and misconceptions about the US Constitution from his book The Legal Universe.

Mitchell Bard is the executive director of a non-profit, a foreign policy analyst and a former senior analyst in the polling division of the 1988 Bush campaign. He exposes how American presidents and diplomats have sold out our interests and security to the Arab interests—Saudi Arabia, in particular. We discuss his book The Arab Lobby.

Scott Farris worked for United Press International and on several political campaigns, including his own. He’s turned his attention to Presidential races and on the losers to determine what impact they had on the nation. We discuss his latest book Almost President.