Marlo Thomas is a member of show business royalty—if there is such a thing. She is the daughter of Danny Thomas, famous comedian and pioneer of TV. She is also a TV pioneer in her own right. She is also a world-famous philanthropist. Her latest book, Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny, is her memoir that tells the role humor had in her life.

Peter Tork, best known as a member of The Monkees, talks about his career both yesterday and today. His latest band Shoe Suede Blues continues the legacy of Monkees’ music plus new material.

Chris Hillman of The Byrds returns to his roots in folk/country rock with the release of his latest CD At Edwards Barn.

Anyone who grew up in the 70s, as I did, remembers the sitcom The Partridge Family starring Shirley Jones as the “hip, edgy” Mom we all wish we had. Shirley Jones joined me to discuss her wonderful career in film, on stage and on TV.

David Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh’s brother and an author & political critic in his own right, gives details about how President Obama is systematically destroying the United States.

Judy Collins, singer, songwriter and activist, has performed Over the Rainbow for a new children’s book of the same name.