
CeCe Suwal and Mark Brenner Uncover The Science of Activating Your Supreme Power

CeCe Suwal and Mark Brenner, authors of The Science of Activating Your Supreme Power

Cecil (CeCe) Suwal and Mark Brener are recognized as America’s and Europe’s leading experts on Creative Thinking, Advanced-Trend Spotting, Health and Perceptual Power.

The pair have been featured on ABC, New York Times, The New York Observer, Fortune / CNN Money, and other American, European and Asian media.

CeCe and Mark are success coaches who share years of personal experience (proven track record of success), and acquired knowledge.

They help highly successful people maximize their current success and unleash the Enormous Creative Power required to activate Advanced Trend Spotting Abilities and catapult themselves further ahead.

Mark holds an MBA from Israel, and CeCe is working toward a doctorate in psychology in the United States.