Dr. Michael Zey Peers Into The Future Of Media
Dr. Michael Zey, sociologist, futurist and author
Dr. Michael G Zey is the author of several books: Ageless Nation, The Future Factor, Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macroindustrial Era and The Mentor Connection.
He consults in the areas of formal mentor programs, future trends, technology development, career issues, and leadership development for Fortune 500 companies and government.
Dr. Zey’s controversial and original views on social and techno-trends have appeared in a variety of print and electronic media.
He is a contributor to KNX-AM, the Los-Angeles news affiliate of CBS, and is the National Future Trends analyst at Examiner.com.
Michael serves as Executive Director of the Expansionary Institute.
He is a Professor at Montclair State University.
- BA, Sociology, Hunter College
- Ph D, Sociology (Spec.Organizations), 1980, Rutgers University