Susan Reed Describes Her Research Into Diversity in American Business From Her Book The Diversity Index
Susan Reed, author of THE DIVERSITY INDEX
Susan E. Reed is an investigative journalist and columnist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The American Prospect, The Financial Times Deutschland and other publications.
She has conducted research on corporate management, affinity groups, leadership and worker discrimination.
Susan was a producer for CBS News for 13 years. She reported from 34 countries. She was awarded two national Emmys for outstanding coverage of the Bosnian war in 1995 and the attack on the USS Stark in the Persian Gulf in 1987.
She studied at the Harvard law and business schools as a Nieman Fellow. She graduated from Reed College with a B.A. in History and Literature, and from New York’s Columbia University with an M.S. in Journalism.
She taught interviewing, investigative reporting, and the First Amendment for six years at Harvard summer school and Extension.