
John Kania looks at charitable donors who do more than donate money towards causes. He examines the 6 Practices of Donors Who Change the World and draws some conclusions about philanthropy in the United States.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Thursday, March 31, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 9 o’clock am Pacific time.

Dan Hayward show us the way to Real Estate riches. He’s not spouting theory. He spent over half his life growing his wealth through real estate. He discusses why this is an unprecedented time to buy and flip houses.

Allison Maslan teaches others how to make their lives and careers Blast Off. We talk about life coaching as a way to achieve maximum success from her latest book, Blastoff!:The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.

Gary Fong explains how to succeed in life without really trying. We discuss what he learned along the way from his book The Accidental Millionaire.

Gerald Harris has looked at the workings of the Universe through Quantum Physics and has applied what he learned to strategy, innovation and leadership. What can we learn from the Universe on these matters? He tells us how to radically change our approach while keeping in harmony with nature.