
Peter Cohan is a venture capitalist, management consultant and teacher at Babson College. He’s compiled a list of the Top 5 Worst Presidents for the US Economy during their presidency. We discuss his list. You may be surprised at his findings—I know I was.

Mark Murphy is one of this country’s top leadership trainers. He explains a revolutionary approach to hiring people who are not frauds based on the research contained in his book Hiring For Attitude.

Guests include Peter Cohan ranking the worst Presidents for the US economy in recent US history, Mark Murphy talking about attracting top talent and Erica Sandberg warning about Christmas fraud.

Gary Sirak is a financial planner who helps entrepreneurs to build, grow and maintain their businesses and helps family owned businesses ensure success across future generations. We discuss his latest book If Your Money Talked.

Rebel Brown is a rebel—both literally and metaphorically. She explains how to propel our businesses to high-velocity growth from her book Defy Gravity.

Dave Zirin is the Freddie Krueger of sports writing. His “slash & burn” style leaves no doubt where he stands on issues. We discuss his latest book about the sports moment that changed history from his book The John Carlos Story.