
J. D. Petruzzi is a Civil War historian and author. He’s an expert on the Battle of Gettysburg—whose 148th anniversary is July 4th. We examine how the North’s success in the battle forged a unified nation from his book The New Gettysburg Campaign Handbook.

Brian Sullivan is a financial reporter and anchor at CNBC. He recently moved to CNBC from Fox Business News. We discuss today’s business headlines—in particular the Greece Debt situation—and his career.

David Friedlaender became aware of his life’s purpose following Hurricane Katrina in 2006. He shares the secret to happiness contained in his book The 12 Keys: How To Unlock Your Full Potential And Live The Life Of Your Dreams.

Ginny Clarke is a former partner at Spencer Stuart, one of the world’s largest senior-level executive search firms. She pursued her own career dreams by founding her own business. She’s created Career Mapping: Finding Your Dream Job—a guide for finding your dream job straight out of college or for making a career move. We discuss using one’s own GPS to find the job of a lifetime.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Wednesday, June 29, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 9 o’clock am Pacific time.

Marshall Berol is an investment advisor with over 20 years experience. He is a value-oriented, Contrarian investor. His mutual fund, Encompass, is the #2 ranked mutual fund by Morningstar overall among all the mutual funds Morningstar tracks. He tells us where the value is in today’s uncertain market.