
Guests include: Peter Ford, son of Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford; Earl Mindell the undisputed authority on vitamins and health; and Sam Sommers discussing why situations matter.

Sarah Caldicott is the great-grandniece of Thomas Edison. She shares the 5 competencies of innovation she learned from her famous relative from her book Innovate Like Edison.

Bill Sinclair is a 30-year veteran of the financial industry who’s also roamed the corridors of Washington, DC. We discuss the unintended consequences of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill for the financial industry and for consumers.

Bob Hurley is a professor at Fordham University with an extensive background in leadership, innovation and team building. We discuss how leaders create high-trust teams from his book, The Decision To Trust.

Guests include trust expert Bob Hurley, financial expert Bill Sinclair and innovation expert Sarah Caldicott.

Mariah Bear is the publisher of How Now Pocket Pals in San Rafael. She regales us with seemingly random, yet hilarious tidbits of information.