Bill Sinclair Exposes The Unintended Consequences To Consumers And The Economy Of The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill

Bill Sinclair, 30-year Financial Industries Veteran

Bill Sinclair has spent much of his career in Washington, DC—try not to hold that against him. He knows top policy makers creating policy today.

Bill Sinclair has been an experienced professional in the financial services arena for over 30 years.

During his career, Sinclair has been an active faculty member of the Federal Reserve System; the Mortgage Banker’s Association; AT&T’s Banking School; and the Federal Financial Institution’s Examination Council; serving as an expert on mortgage and investment banking and the secondary markets.

He served as President of the Greater Washington Board of Trade, as well as on the Boards of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, the Republic Mortgage Insurance Company, the Greater Washington Financial Institutions Association, and the National Capital YMCA of

Washington, D.C., Washington Federal, American Federal, and Perpetual American Bank.

As a business leader, a banker and a political analyst, Bill will discuss the consequences—intended and unintended—of the Dodd-Frank Bill.