
Scott Farris worked for United Press International and on several political campaigns, including his own. He’s turned his attention to Presidential races and on the losers to determine what impact they had on the nation. We discuss his latest book Almost President.

This segment is something new—a “call-in” segment. Several listeners have requested this. I open up the mike to let callers express what’s on their mind. Wel look at all topics you wanted to tackle.

John DePasquale is a failed robber and captured criminal who turned his life around through the military and subsequently rubbed shoulders with some of history’s most famous people. We discuss his life and times from his memoir titled =The True Adventures of a Vagabond.

Lt. Col. Robert J. Darling, USMC, Retired, tells of his experience inside the White House bunker during the 9/11 Terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, DC.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTOMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Monday, September 13, 2010. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.