Alex Mandossian Shows The Way To Financial Freedom Through Internet Subscription Marketing

Alex Mandossian, Internet marketeer

Alex Mandossian has generated over $300 million in sales and profits for his clients and partners via “electronic marketing” media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.

Alex has personally consulted Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp.,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, Peak Potentials and many others.

He has hosted teleseminars with many of the world’s top thought leaders such as Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Allen, Vic Conant, Brian Tracy, David Bach, Harvey Mackay, Robert Cialdini, Harv Eker, Bobbi De Porter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Bob Proctor, and many others.

He is the Founder & CEO of Heritage House Companies—a boutique electronic marketing and publishing company that “repurposes” written and spoken educational content for worldwide distribution. He is also the founder of the Electronic Marketing Institute.

He has trained over 15,000 teleseminar students since 2002 and claims that practically any entrepreneur can transform their annual income into a monthly income once they apply his principle-centered electronic marketing strategies.

(KEY POINT: Alex’s 2001 annual income became an hourly income by 2006).

He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children, and he enjoys over 90 “Free Days” each year.