Robert Bloom, former US Chairman and CEO of Publicis Worldwide—a French multinational advertising and communications company—one of the big three global advertising holding companies (the others being Omnicom, and WPP), talks about winning over today’s consumer whom he calls The New Experts

Dr. Richard Daft, author of the book The Executive and the Elephant tells why the juxtaposition of the executive and the elephant are examples of the two parts of our brain; the higher and lower mind.

Yoon Cannon, president of Paramount Business Coach, gives some very practical advice on improving productivity. She offers great advice and tools.

Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic: Plan for Success; Out-Think Your Competitors; Stay Ahead of Change gives her 5-step plan for thinking more strategically at work, at home and elsewhere.

Harvey Warren, author of Drop Debt: Surviving Credit Card Hell Without Bankruptcy advises that no action when it comes to working with creditors is worse than no money to pay them. Open a dialog with your creditors to achieve better results.

Adrian Ott, author of The 24-Hour Customer: New Rules for Winning in a Time-Starved, Always-Connected Economy, describes how to make any business more valuable in the 21st Century by using Time-Based segmentation.