Patti DeNucci Fearlessly Shows Us How To Network Intentionally
Patti DeNucci is an award-winning connector and communicator.
She has studied, practiced, and taught the art and science of intentional networking and attracting strategic referrals for more than 25 years.
Her new book is The Intentional Networker: Attracting Powerful Relationships, Referrals, and Results in Business.
After 7 years as a marketing communications executive, strategist, and copywriter and 12 years as a freelance writer and consultant, Patti launched DeNucci & Co. LLC in 2001—a boutique referral firm helps businesses and organizations connect strategically to the top-notch freelancers, consultants, experts, and resources they need to handle their projects and solve their challenges.
In 2008 Patti was selected as one of forty female entrepreneurs from across North America to be featured in Mary Ann Halpin’s book Fearless Women, Fearless Wisdom.
She is also a featured expert in the book 101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career.
Patti holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Clothing, Textiles & Design from the University of Wisconsin – Stout.
Patti is married and has one son and a goldendoodle.