Peter Sheahan Shares How We Can Turn Good Ideas Into Great Results
Peter Sheahan, author of MAKING IT HAPPEN
Peter Sheahan is the founder and CEO of ChangeLabs™, a global consultancy delivering large-scale behavioral change projects.
Peter has worked with some of the world’s leading brands in the area of innovation and change.
With operations in 3 countries and 9 cities, Peter knows first-hand the pressures of growing and leading a business in the rapidly changing world.
Peter is recognized internationally as a leading business thinker and has advised executives and leaders through his thought leadership practice.
The author of 6 books, Peter focuses on teaching leaders and companies how to flip their thinking, make money in the cracks and find opportunity where others cannot.
His lastest book Making It Happen unpacks his insights on how the best leaders and entrepreneurs execute on their good ideas, and turn them into profitable results.
He lives in Colorado with his wife and his two children.