Robert Landau Teaches Us How to Shift Into Positive Mode
Robert Landau, creator of the 5-Minute Positive Thinker Program
There is no more positive person than Robert Landau, creator of the 5-Minute Positive Thinker Program.
Two very touching, personal stories helped put Robert’s positive thinking program into perspective. Robert believes that positive thinking is putting one’s beliefs into action. He told the story of how he lost both his parents to a tragic accident. He kept saying to himself, “I’m getting through this,” and he got through the tragedy faster than he expected.
The other example Robert gave from his personal life is when he landed his first job on a cruise ship. He was convinced he wanted to work for a cruise company, so each day he would spend 15 minutes jogging along the East River in New York, believing he was on the Promenade Deck of the Queen Elizabeth II. Four weeks after beginning this visualization, he received a telephone call from Cunard, owners of the QE II, inviting him in for an interview. No application. No resume. Cunard heard about Robert from a friend who recommended him to the cruise line.
Robert has an offer for my listeners. Listen to the interview to learn how to take advantage of Robert’s offer.