Ruth Houston Reveals The Telltale Signs Of Infidelity In Relationships
Ruth Houston, author of IS HE CHEATING ON YOU?
Ruth Houston is an Infidelity expert, founder of and the author of Is He Cheating on You?- 829 Telltale Signs She has been researching infidelity for over 16 years.
Ruth has been quoted in USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post, the Chicago Tribune,,,, Reuters, the Associated Press, UPI and numerous other print and online media worldwide.
Houston has also been a guest on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox & Friends, Fox News, CBS News, NPR and hundreds of other radio and TV news and talk shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the Caribbean.
Ruth also writes as the National Infidelity Examiner for at