Susan Cain Extolls The Virtues Of Introverts In Her Book Quiet
Susan Cain, author of QUIET
Susan Cain practiced corporate law for seven years before becoming a writer.
She represented clients like JP Morgan and General Electric, and then worked as a negotiations consultant, training all kinds of people, from hedge fund managers to TV producers to college students negotiating their first salaries.
From all this you might guess that she’s a hardcore, wonderfully self-confident, pound-the-table kind of person, when in fact she’s just the opposite.
She prefers listening to talking, reading to socializing, and cozy chats to group settings. She likes to think before she speaks (softly). She’s never given a speech without being terrified first.
Susan went to Princeton University and Harvard Law School.
She lives on the banks of the Hudson River in an 1822 captain’s cottage with her husband, sons, and magnolia trees.