
Lisa Hershman examines the credo of the 2nd half of the 20th Century into the 21st Century—Faster, Cheaper, Better. She understands the 9 Levers Transforming How Work Gets Done. We discuss Thinking Outside The Costs as manufacturers reevaluate further increases in productivity.

I take a few minutes to pontificate on the business news the Standard & Poors downgraded the United States Government’s credit rating to negative from neutral.

Here is the lineup of guests on BRAINSTORMIN’ with Billy the Brain for Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Listen at or on AM 1400 in Ventura at 10 o’clock am Pacific time.

Ed Jaffee exerted his influence on Congress for one of this country’s largest conglomerates. We’ll examine lobbying; lobbyists and modern law making from his book Dodging the Bullet.

Margo Berman is a creativity expert who specializes in sponBRAINeous combustion. She helped us get our creative juices flowing by sparking our right-brain thinking. We discussed her book Street Smart Advertising.

Mary McDonough is an actress best known for her role as Erin Walton on the hit TV series The Waltons. We discuss the outside influences that shaped her life and how she resiliently overcame setbacks from her memoir, Lessons From the Mountain.