
Peter Ferrera believes the United States is hurling towards another recession in 2013. We discuss his dire predictions in his book Obama and the Crash of 2013.

John Taylor is a Stanford University professor who has been an adviser to presidents. We discuss his First Principles of how to restore America to prosperity.

Tracy Davis is a political pundit, author and former writer for President George H.W. Bush. We review the top political stories of 2011 and look ahead towards the 2012 Presidential election.

Mitchell Bard is the executive director of a non-profit, a foreign policy analyst and a former senior analyst in the polling division of the 1988 Bush campaign. He exposes how American presidents and diplomats have sold out our interests and security to the Arab interests—Saudi Arabia, in particular. We discuss his book The Arab Lobby.

Peter Cohan is a venture capitalist, management consultant and teacher at Babson College. He’s compiled a list of the Top 5 Worst Presidents for the US Economy during their presidency. We discuss his list. You may be surprised at his findings—I know I was.

Ken Ballen is the founder and President of a nonprofit organization, which investigates the causes of extremism. He’s interviewed more than a hundred Islamic radicals, asking them probing questions about their inner lives, deepest faith, and what it was that ultimately drove them to jihad. We discuss his findings contained in the book, Terrorists in Love, which opens a fresh window into the realm of violent extremism.