Tom Cutler Instructs Us In The Gentlemanly Arts From His Book The Gentleman’s Bedside Companion


Tom Cutler is the son of a sex therapist and a sometime Dominican friar.

Tom is one of the few Englishmen to have been married in Bismarck, North Dakota.

He spent his early manhood in a desultory study of Fine Art and Philosophy at a cloistered university and began his professional career with a number of false starts as a teacher, set designer, speechwriter, printer, toy store manager, lyricist, wine waiter, puppet maker, typographer, magazine editor, portrait painter, radio broadcaster, cartoonist, and magician, before leaving the rat-race to spend more time with his slippers.

Tom is the author of several humorous books, including The Gentleman’s Bedside Companion, and the bestseller, 211 Things a Bright Boy Can Do.

He is on the committee of the Handlebar (Mustache) Club of Great Britain and in his spare time enjoys murdering Bach on the guitar and staring out to sea.