Kim Romaner Explains The Science Of Making Things Happen
Kim Marcille Romaner is an expert on the science of amplifying possibility into reality, and on the practical applications for both people and businesses.
Kim expands her comfort zone by driving a stock car, jumping off the tallest building in New Zealand, or rappelling three hundred feet into a cave system.
Kim has served for twenty-five years in possibility leadership. She is the Founder of Possibilities Amplified, Inc. and author of The Science of Making Things Happen: Turn Any Possibility into Reality.
Kim is passionate about helping people, businesses, and communities transform themselves.
She’s also starting a day camp for the possibility impaired.
Mrs Romaner’s book is awesome!!! It has helped me explode my business. It has a simple yet very effective way of changing the way you look at things. What you once saw as a major problem and reason to quit is now just a new way to learn something different. She has a wonderful way of spreading encouragement and enthusiasm to everyone around her. I would highly recommend her book to everyone but especial those tired of running into ways every time you turn around.