Brad Bannon Offers Advice To The Obama Administration
Brad Bannon, CEO of Bannon Communications Research, discusses Rahm Emanuel’s departure as White House Chief-of-Staff for President Barack Obama’s Administration and who some likely replacement candidates may be.
Political analyst,The White House Chief-of-Staff is a “high burnout” position, according to Brad. Emanuel’s wife and children remained in Chicago while Emanuel worked in Washington, D.C. These may have been contributing factors to Emanuel’s decision to resign from the White House staff and return to Chicago to run for mayor.
Possible replacement candidates include interim Chief-of-Staff Pete Rouse, Tom Daschle and Leon Panetta, currently serving as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
According to Brad, each candidate has his own strengths and weaknesses. Rouse served as Chief-of-Staff for Senator Obama before he became president, so he’s familiar with the President’s working style. An interesting footnote to history—Rouse was the Chief-of-Staff to Tom Dasche until he lost his bid for re-election at which time he joined Senator Obama’s staff. Rouse’s weakness is his inexperience working with Congress.
Daschle and Panetta are both “Washington Insiders,” which is both their strength and weakness. Both will be able to work with Congress to build better relations, according to Brad. Both are also seen as being too entrenched in the system to perform any significant change. In Brad’s opinion, President Obama has made too many compromises with Washington Insiders during his first two years in office to create the “change” he promised in his campaign.
When asked about the California Governor’s race between Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown, Bannon said that it was very tight—made more so by Whitman’s recent controversy over her maid.
Brad did note that moremoeny is being spent in the Governor’s race than has been spent in any other political race in American history.
Listen to the entire interview here: