Tom Bunzel Illuminates Social Media Presentations & Training
Tom Bunzel describes himself as “an analog guy living in a digital world.” Yet, he lives, loves and writes about technology. His latest book is titled, Tools of Engagement: Presenting and Training in a World of Social Media.
Great presenters have always had the knack of humanizing their presentations and asking questions. The new media helps make this easier, in some ways.
Every presenter must realize there is a “back channel” happening while they present. The audience is tweeting or posting on Facebook during your presentation. Clever presenters will harness this back channel by displaying the back channel on a monitor visible to all or by having someone collect the tweets and posts for discussion.
Tom calls the Internet the “nervous system” of the planet.With ubiquitous connectivity, communication is evolving. Engagement is now a two-way street.
Video is the biggest trend Tom sees in evolving communications. He recommends SlideRocket for an online presentation software.
Listen to the entire interview below: