Dr. Toni Yancey Speaks In Favor of Instant Recess

Dr. Toni Yancey, author of Instant Recess

Dr. Toni Yancey, MD, equates obesity and physical inactivity to the dangers of smoking and drunk driving—calling them twin epidemics.  Obesity leads to cardio-vascular problems, heart attacks and disease, diabetes and it stigmatizes children. Dr. Yancey quoted a study that showed an obese child is viewed similarly to a child with cancer undergoing chemotherapy.

In her latest book, Instant Recess: Building a Fit Nation 10 Minutes at a Time, Dr. Yancey says we must integrate activity into our lifestyles. She says Instant Recess is a brief bout of physical activity—typically 10 minutes—integrated into the work or school day.

Dr. Yancey quotes some impressive economic benefits of Instant Recess: 1) reduced Worker’s Comp costs, 2) arrested obesity, 3) reduced blood pressure, 4) reduced absenteeism and reduced ”presentism” which is employees at work but not fully functional or engaged, and 5) lower healthcare costs.

Dr. Yancey was recently appointed to the board of directors of the Partnership for a Healthier America—the non-profit foundation supporting First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative.  This is a bi-partisan foundation that also includes Bill Frist (R) and Cory Booker (D). It is designed to engage the private sector in the war on obesity.

Listen to the entire interview: